Unhealthy Attachment and Emotional Dysregulation

Unhealthy Attachment and emotional dysregulation

Sometimes known as “Love addiction" or “Co-dependency”,* unhealthy attachment or emotional dysregulation can look like: Intense anxiety or depression around partnerships, poor boundary setting and holding, consistent and harmful arguments with partners, preoccupation with not having a partnership, unsupported fears of losing a partnership, and/or intense feelings of jealousy or idealization of others. This challenge around securely attaching to others is often linked back to attachment trauma.

Attachment Trauma

Attachment trauma is a rupture of emotional and/or physical safety and trust in a a deeply meaningful relationship. This often happens during early development, childhood, adolescence, but can also occur during adulthood. Some of the effects of attachment trauma are an inability to trust others, inexplicable anger,  grief, and disorientation. These struggles can be devastating and long lasting, but does not mean you’re meant to be alone in the world. Attachment trauma work, is usually a deeper therapeutic work that looks at your attachment template and how it may be playing out in your current life. 

Clients with attachment trauma can struggle to leave toxic relationships and report an inability to assert needs without feeling guilty for being "too needy". These struggles can create pain, shame, anxiety, and a low self concept. You are not broken and change is possible.

I help individuals and couples struggling with unhealthy relational patterns increase self worth as well as care and acceptance of others. From there, we set up a healthy and sustainable relational framework for more satisfying relationships.

I've completed the Sex Therapy certificate training program through The California Institute of Integral Studies; I’m a certified sex therapist through The American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT); and I am fully trained in Attachment Focused EMDR through the Parnell Institute. These studies have supported my work as a sex therapist, treating individuals and couples who struggle with their sexuality and sexual health.

My practice is LGBTQQIA, BDSM, Kink, and Ethical Nonmonogamy inclusive.

*Love addiction and Co-dependency are not empirically supported mental health diagnoses.